Three women inspired me to write this eBook and share what I have put in practice and worked well with them.
This is referred to here as “the technique”.
Lyn, was not satisfied in her relationship with a man she loved dearly, she asked him for some time apart, we met, she experienced the technique and was never the same woman since. She was so satisfied that she called the technique “mind blowing”.
Read her story on page 16 of the eBook
Vivian, a woman stuck in her marriage waiting for the kids to get off the nest, without any real contact with her husband, practically but not legally separated, was looking for the excitement she was missing. She made two unforgettable statements.
The first one is: “In my 14 years of marriage I had 3 orgasms and you gave me 3 orgasms the first time we were intimate”.
The second statement is a much stronger one, a statement I (and every man) can never forget. I believe it will be hard get a better compliment than that in my life from a woman.
Read how well the technique worked for Vivian on page 17 of the eBook.
Rita, was not really a satisfied woman when we met. He was actually a very stressed woman. Life had thrown a lot of challenges in her way and in dealing with them she had forgotten completely about herself. During our time together, she did not make a statement that stands out in my mind (like Lyn’s or Vivian’s) but she has been showering me with compliments almost every day we were together. In a birthday present to me, the card read: “To the person who changed my life”. Simple words, but with every deep meaning.
Read her story on page 17 of the eBook